Welcome to the fascinating world of trees, where nature’s giants stand tall and proud! In this exciting learning book with trees activity printables, your child will embark on a journey to discover the wonders of trees.
Click on the picture to download it for FREE!
They will love this tree-themed activity set that includes 12 engaging pages of
- Counting
- Coloring
- Seasons
- Scissor skills
- Parts of a tree
- Much more!
Do you love FREE learning resources? Don’t miss out when we post new activities!
If you’re looking for a perfect ‘at-home’ printer for your homeschool environment or you’re simply a busy mom who loves to print fun learning activities for your child, this is my favorite printer I have used for years!
I have used this printer for many years, and I can typically print about 6,000 pages with $40 of toner (this is one of my favorite generic brands), depending on how often I print color vs. black and white.
Other features I love: It will also print front to back without having to manually flip the paper over! And I can print from my smartphone, another convenient and appreciated feature!
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Author – Dr. Tawna Schmidt
Founder of Smart Mom HQ, Dr. Schmidt has been working with moms, kids, and families as an educator, counselor, and consultant since 1990. Her mission is to keep daily life simple so moms can enjoy every milestone with their children and appreciate all the special moments each new day brings. Learn More Here
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Printables on this site are for personal use only. Without written consent from the author, Tawna Schmidt, EdD, they may not be redistributed for free or monetary gain. Want to share our learning activities with a friend? Please share our website; they can download as many free resources as they desire! Teachers and educators may use the printables in their classrooms; however, they may not be edited or altered. Read the Terms of Use here.